I want to help my friends, through College Kids.

Tamimmah Disma Lestari
3 min readJan 30, 2021


Melalui College Kids, suatu komunitas online yang gue inisiasi bareng Deva, kita mencoba buat ngelakuin research kecil-kecilan tentang permasalahan yang dialami para college students.

Singkatnya kita pake Google Form, 13 respondents, umur 18–21 tahun, sebagian besar dari ITB dan sisanya dari UMN dan BINUS. Kita cuman minta mereka buat isi 3 pertanyaan, dengan pengisian secara essay, here are the questions:

  1. How did you imagine yourself as an ideal college student?
  2. What is your biggest fear as a college student that you’re still struggling with?
  3. What is the biggest depressing experience in your college life?

Dari most of the respondents in which they agree with our teams to uncover their stories, kita bisa memberikan kesimpulan bahwa,

permasalahan yang kita alami itu juga dialami orang lain.

Kebanyakan dari teman-teman kita bermimpi untuk menjadi siswa yang excell in both academic and social life. But the thing is that, mereka udah banyak berusaha, namun setelah mereka melihat lingkungan sekitar, ternyata sudah banyak banget yang istilahnya lebih ‘jago’ dari mereka, in which mereka jadi insecure buat melangkah, and it causes them to never be satisfied. karena mereka merasa apa yang mereka punya sekarang itu nggak cukup dan mencoba mencari yang lebih baik lagi.

Yet, when i think about it, it’s not a bad thing. But what if i told you that, dari jawaban teman-teman kita tentang hal atau kejadian yang paling membuat mereka depresi, justru berurusan dengan itu?

Most of them associate insecurity with the most depressing thing in their college. It impacts how they socialize, seperti merasa bahwa making friends is hard, because they are not living to the friends standard in terms of academically or socially. OR dari suatu kegagalan yang pernah mereka alami, mereka jadi merasa bahwa dari sananya begitu dan nggak bisa di apa-apain.

And it sums up to one of our friends who stated,

the whole college experience is depressing.

Mind to remind you that, most of our respondents are in their last or going-to their last semesters.

This becomes the foundation of College Kids, as gue dan Deva ngobrol-ngobrol bahwa college life is exhausting, yet nobody talks about it.

We’re living in this social life where everyone has the duck syndrome, sure mereka memperlihatkan their ideal self through Instagram or echievements through LinkedIn. Yet, mereka masih memerlukan 2nd account Instagram yang ‘katanya’ tempat buat curhat. But, even the 2nd account itself could not help to uncover their real-self, as temen kalian pasti masih aja ada yang memperlihatkan, again with their ideal-social self.

Therefore with this account, we aspire to help people give them the foundation as a means to being related, to make them engage with other friends, within this community, we want to expand and make our family bigger with College Kids.

Semoga dengan lulus nya aku sebagai college students, akun ini masih berlanjut dengan College Kids lainnya.



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