Buavita’s Brand Exploratory
In previous posts, actually, I have mentioned that the brand issue is between the unintegrated social media campaigns and the inconsistency between the message campaign in the last 5 years. But from the last feedback, that I have only uncovered the outer layers and have not really dug into the real meaning, therefore I want to try to dig more into the customer perception to increase understanding into the brand identity, which I hope to gain insights from.
To identify and ensure more about Buavita’s brand main issue, I want to use a research technique named Free Associations, Projective Technique, and ZMET. I choose free associations because I want to know the base of their understanding and get more insights from there to follow-up into the Projective Technique or ZMET. The reasons why I choose the projective technique because I want to know the uncovered customer perception of a brand besides the visible brand associations and ZMET are sole because I want to know the exact customer intention to purchase the Buavita products.
I do a short interview with 7 women, having children, have monthly spending between 3–5 million (a family which has reached money security, could be categorized into middle-income family), and is a mix of both 40:30 of career women which also a housewife and housewives.
In the first method of the free association, I do interviews for all of the respondents, meanwhile, for the projective technique, I do interviews on 4 women and ZMET on 3 women. I mainly did that because I think my main concern would be in the Projective and the ZMET, meanwhile the free association is merely a starter.
For starters, I will ask them what they thought about when I mentioned Buavita and so on.
Then the methods of the projective technique are by asking the respondents to fill out the blank section of a discussion with her friends while shopping in the supermarket, here is the scenario:
I also try to make an additional question with ‘what do you think of a mom whose buying Buavita for their children?’, to know more if their perception of a mom buying Buavita is having a more positive or negative sentiment.
Not only that, but I also make ZMET questions on what are the associations that could trigger them to purchase and consume Buavita, this is to know more about their mental journey actually, and gain more awareness when exactly the time when they think that need and wants Buavita. These are the pictures that I choose:
The options 1–4 are the images that I want to know what is the time they need or wants to consumer Buavita, then the options 5–7 is the time that is perfect to drink Buavita or either the purpose of their purchase. Then lastly the options 8–10 is quite not categorized, like the 8 I want to know whether they really feel about purchasing healthy or fruits-related when want to purchase, or only when they strolling around the retail format (option 10) then they decided to buy it impulsively. Then option 9 is the curiosity I have in which whether the consumer has the association of Buavita in their working time, as it is the tertiary target market.
Those questions were arranged in hope that it could make a suggestion for the 2nd main brand issue, which is the inconsistency of the message campaign throughout the years, or emerge entirely new issues that are more engaging and problematic.
From those questions, I want to simplify the findings that I get, start from the free associations,
From the graph, there are 4 main associations and 7 sub-main associations. Then the most linkages are the packaging and the less fresh scenario, it entirely contradicts with the juice which associates with fresh agenda, although the person that mentioned the negative sentiments are lesser than the positive ones.
Then for the illustration projective technique, there are 4:3 answers, the 4 answers are lingering around the answers in which they prefer to drink from the real fruits, or wondering why the 1st women don’t buy the real fruits and make them juice naturally. Meanwhile, the 3 answers are having positive sentiments about the drink like they are agreeing on the 1st women's decision to drink Buavita as they were healthy, good to consume by their children, and suitable for family-drink.
I also make a follow-up question regarding the stereotype they have when knowing women which purchase Buavita, most of them are having an understanding and are positive about it, while the rest of them are either have neutral or negative reactions regard it. The positive answers are written in a sentence are like “oh it is because they are a smart mom, which understands the importance of consuming healthy products to give nutrition for their children”. Meanwhile, for the neutral, it was “it is no problem, they might be busy, it is entirely up to them on what to buy because it is their money, and they might already know of the ingredients of the Buavit and have ensured that it is not unsafe for themself to consume or their family, esp their children’’, and lastly the negative sentiments is only a little bit, and they start the answer with quite neutral about it, then eventually said that it is better to bought natural juice if they feel busy.
And lastly, for the ZMET questions, surprisingly the most associated picture is the sports activities one, in which they might feel that after doing sports they felt tired, and want to consume refreshment drinks. The 2nd most associated are the pictures which consume with their children and the while-working image. As for the time, it fittest to be consumed is noon, when it is leaking-hot.
From all of the findings, I can make a summary that there are less intangible issues regarding the packaging and the artificial taste, which actually have most associated with the free association technique, as the rest of the answers are lean into the more positive reaction. But there are things that I uniquely found, which is the sports-related activities, which Buavita actually segmented into the tertiary target market, in which I felt that it could be more optimized. And lastly, I have known that the women now are more tolerant about the drink, and willing to buy when there is an occasion, and they are quite busy with their personal life (work-life balance), which I think could be more emphasized in the next message campaign, as it is more engaging and didn’t have to keep changing constantly.