Brand Inventory of Buavita

Tamimmah Disma Lestari
8 min readSep 6, 2020


Approximately 90% of Indonesians would name Buavita as a brand that comes to mind when I said “Jus dalam kemasan.” Buavita has long aspired to be perceived as a “Jus dari sari buah asli”. However, it could turn out that their customer does not share a similar view of the brand.

The brand Buavita was established in 1971, produces by PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry Tbk. Then in 2008, the brand was acquired by Unilever Indonesia.

Buavita has done trials and errors in its marketing program reflected in the brand inventory. The brand Inventory of Buavita reflected in their brand elements, product, and how they market each merchandise.

The brand elements of Buavita could comprise of brand name, logo, catchphrase, packaging, graphics, colors, etc.

The brand name is Buavita, and the logo itself is a wordmark logo, which uses font as their front-identity,

Buavita logo

The name is derived from the foundation to eradicate the disease by consuming foods that contain vitamins, specifically fruits. The brand calls their consumers as the Fruitarian, not to be associated link with the term fruitarianism, fruitarian in here is the people who consume daily adequate needs of fruits and living a healthy lifestyle.

Tagline/catchphrase of Buavita

The catchphrase or tagline of brand Buavita is “Does You Good”, then linked with how the brand calls out their consumers, the brand is seen to use the campaign tagline “Be Fruitarian: Does You Good” on many occasions.

The image of fruit-related beverages are easy to be associated when ones to stumble open the Buavita products in your closest retail store,

Designs mockup of Buavita packaging

And it was thanks to their packaging, which uses a large proportion of real fruits (not animated). It is important to make it easy for shoppers to identify the drink in a moment, as their eye motions are fast to evaluate the option of beverages. The font of the flavors is also taking up quite a significant proportion of the package since it can be the only 3 things that consumers can see in a short period. The brand also attached a promising note for the customers reflected in the 5 kebaikan buavita.

The family portrait in Buavita social media

Using actual pictures, less animation has been created so that designs are also relevant to the target market of urban moms intended to provide their children with good nutrition.

Buavita Royale uses darker colors
Buavita Classic uses lighter colors

Buavita ‘s choice of colors was mostly using general light colors, although there were also a few variations between Buavita Classic and Buavita Royale, as the Buavita Royale packaging itself is dark while the classic is lighter. The change in color is to create a contrast differentiator for the newest Buavita Royale product launch. The black background is also intended to construct the perception of the Royale drink as a more exclusive drink than the classics.

For the price of 250ml, the classic and the royal have a little gap in price, 8k for classic, and the 9k for royale.

Buavita Classic and Buavita Royale

Buavita product has two subordinate product categories, namely Buavita Classic and Buavita Royale. For the Buavita Classic, it offers 5 (five) flavors, the guava, orange, mango, lychee, and apple. Meanwhile, the Buavita Royale contains 4 flavors with each flavors having different product names. They are Chloro Broccoli, Sunshine Carrot, and Mix Berries. There are 3 (three) product sizes launched by Buavita, it was the mini size with 125 ml, standard size 250 ml, lastly the selection with 1 liter.

Variant size of Buavita beverages

In short, Buavita Classic is for those who prefer fruits over vegetables, and it was intended for urban moms to give the beverages to their child, hence the white packaging.

As to whether the two products are advertised differently, we will first see how each product is promoted (some of which I found)

Buavita Classic's most popular product is the guava flavor, the significant factor of the popularity is the successful campaign, which using a fear factor of combating the danger of dengue fever. The consumption of guava juice Buavita that made from real fruits in particular could boost the body’s overall defense against disease, especially against malaria.

Buavita Mix Berries

As for the Buavita Royale, it was specifically targetted the urban mom, with the mission to solve their problems and support their activities. Taking into account Buavita’s mixed berry taste, which emerges due to the problems of 30% of Indonesian women suffering from digestive problems, and ¾ of the population are urban Indonesian women with high mobility and requiring adequate clothing in their diverse lifestyle. The cause of their unhealthful lifestyle is the lack of fiber consumption from vegetables and fruit.

The campaign carried out by Buavita Royale Mix Berry’s influencer Raline Shah, who was 28 years old then in 2013, is credited to her emerging popularity as Putri Indonesia’s champion, led by her 5 cm film star in 2012 and 99 Cahaya Dilangit Eropa in 2013. In addition, Raline Shah was renowned for her healthy lifestyle and ageless beauty.

By emphasizing the ‘Buavita Be Fruitarian: Small Actions, BIG Difference,’ Buavita Royale Mix Berries has been promoted with the stereotype of a practical solution for urban women who either want to start or already transition to a healthier lifestyle. In order to boost the reliability of Buavita Mix Berries, Buavita also uses a specialist (doctor) to follow a balanced lifestyle, Dr. Grace Judio-Kahl, MSc, MH, CHt.

Buavita Royale Sunshine Carrot

Besides the Mix Berries, Buavita also gave Sunshine Carrot, a juice that is a combination of carrot, pineapple, and orange. The ideas of this flavor were derived from the fact that Indonesia is suffering from a lack of Vit A consumption, although, in truth, the consumption of this drink is very beneficial to the body; decreasing the 80 percent likelihood of exposure to eye disease, and the 250ml Buavita Sunshine Carrot capable of supplying 100 percent daily sufficient requirements to consume Vit A.

Healthy eyes will be the primary resource in carrying out everyday tasks and achieving success. To promote new development, someone has to look for inspiring material from a range of sources, and 80 percent of the knowledge comes from visuals.

As a response, one of Buavita ‘s strategic marketing efforts was to organize an online competition in 2015 to encourage users to share sources of motivation based on their POV in their everyday activities. Finally, the winners will be given the chance to attend a 2-day workshop with the renowned photographer Nicoline Patricia Malina.

Apart from all the previous perspectives on the Buavita Royale and Classic sales methods, Buavita also carries out a range of marketing campaigns aimed at supporting all types of subordinated goods. One of them is using community marketing to improve word of mouth marketing. The Buavita brand has the objectivity to raise people’s knowledge of consuming fruit and vegetables on a regular basis, the amount of that intake is 5–7 fruit variants. This initiative was followed up by a gathering of 80,000 community members who came together to dedicate themselves to initiating or continuing a healthier lifestyle.

The collaboration between communities, such as Komunitas Urban Mama, Komunitas Blogger, Komunitas Parkour, Indo Athletes, etc., also led to a high number of total participants. The selection of these partners was agreed on the basis of the specific target audiences, urban moms, and the population that aspires to play sports as a hobby. These assumptions were also based on the premise that participants have a common preference for a healthier lifestyle in relation to the campaign goal. This Community Campaign was coordinated by online means which involves online medical consultations with nutrition specialists, Dr. Samuel Oetoro, MS, Sp., and a specialist specialized in athletics, Dr. Grace Tumbelaka.

In addition, Buavita also organized an event marketing that funded the 1st Color Run in Indonesia and became a hot topic. The event was attended by Indonesians from a range of ages, making the event compliant with the goals of the campaign.

Buavita also organized an online event such as Buavita Does Friend Good, which is aimed at persuading friends to share content with the 1001 fruit benefits concept. For each week, an exciting reward from the judges will be awarded to the best content.

Buavita has also made roadshows in Jakarta to inform the Indonesian people on 1001 advantages of eating fruit and vegetables on a regular basis, with 24 meeting points clustered of crowded public areas, resulting in a rise in the number of community members.

the Buavita mixology

If we were to browse on Buavita’s social media account, we can find the cooking recipes for Buavita processed, those contents are primarily due to the alignment with the target audience of the urban mom. The use of influencer is also essential in sharing the contents of cooking recipes, one of the most popular contracted chefs is Chef Yudha Bustara, who has an interesting mission, it’s about educating Indonesian people to make a healthy meal and drink. He is also known for his role in the cooking show featuring Asian Food Channels, the brand ambassadors for Quaker Oats, Cornflakes Cereal, the exclusive chef for Sahabat Nestle, etc.

Given from all of that, I would infer that the marketing message of each initiative is generally clear, that it is to have a sufficient daily amount of fruit and vegetables that will help urban moms’ daily activities and demands.

To audit the Buavita brand, which was a long-standing brand, I need to test the brand credentials, therefore I want to audit using the credential worksheet. Second, as the Buavita problem as of now is to improve the customer perception towards the product, therefore an enhancement of message is crucial, and I’d also like to choose the brand message worksheet.



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